Support Our Mission and Be a Beacon of Hope

Join us in making a difference by supporting our mission through donations. Your contribution can have a significant impact on the lives of those in need, including the homeless, isolated seniors, and individuals facing adversity. Every donation, no matter the size, goes towards providing essential services, nourishment, companionship, and support to those who need it most. Together, let's create a more compassionate and inclusive community.

Donate today and be a part of our journey to uplift and empower those who need our help.

Make a Difference

Financial Contributions

Financial Contributions

Donate $5


Donate $10


Donate $25


Donate $50


Donate $100


If you wish to donate to TEAM UP 2. We want you to know.

Contribution To TEAM UP 2 supports our mission of providing the resources and human touch that people need in the society today. These things are a powerful tool for healing, growth and positive change in people’s lives. By donating today, you will directly impact the lives of our friends, neighbors and seniors who are most affected by being shut in, isolated and lonely, as well as the people who are living alone with infirmities.

Your donation will help fund the opportunity for us to send volunteers to the homes of the elderly, and those who are dealing with illnesses. It will help us provide the gas, food and things necessary to ensure the well-being of people’s lives. With your support, we can continue to expand our reach and impact. We can help more people with access to human connections which have transformative powers.

Additionally, your donation will help us develop training programs and tools that promote the integration into the loneliness, and isolation that is smoldering our elderly, and those who are not in the best of health. By supporting TEAM UP 2 you are investing in the future of our community with intelligence and helping to create a world where the lonely and hungry will be recognized and provided with the proper social support and healing. Thank you for your generosity. If you want to contribute with a different amount, please contact us. 

We also want you to know that if you aren't able to donate, time, or money you can make a contribution like a food items. Its our desire to keep the coal hot and continue to be committed to providing the nutrition that we know is necessary in order for them to be healthy and continue to fight to get their lives back in order. So, you can contact us and let us know where we can pick up the item, or you can drop it to us at the church at 2228 Wetmore Bibleway
Victory Community Church between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm on Wednesday nights. Thank you and God Bless you.


Join Us in Spreading Love and Compassion

Thank you for your interest in joining our mission of spreading love, compassion, and support to those in need. By filling out the contact form below, you're taking the first step towards making a meaningful difference in the lives of the homeless, isolated seniors, and individuals facing adversity. Together, we can create a community where no one is forgotten, where kindness flourishes, and where we uplift each other. 


We will sell your business and help to support the community in need. We understand the challenges faced by the underserved community. Contact Leroy Edwards, CBB Certified Business Broker. Cell: 512-7760, E-mail [email protected].